Export of Mexican Cucumber
Fifth largest producer worldwide

The Mexican cucumber is a highly valued vegetable because of its short vegetative period. It is a product that adapts very well to different climates, even in winter.
Its sowing is much more abundant in spring, since in the months of February, March and April is when 44% of the total harvest of the year is produced.
Its sowing is possible in open fields and greenhouses.
Fertirrigation technology, improved seeds and mulch are used for a quality product.

Nutritional value
• It stands out for its content of the B family vitamins, which are very important for promoting nerve impulse and cellular health.
• It helps our brain because it contains flavonol, an anti-inflammatory antioxidant that promotes neuronal connectivity.
• It fights fatigue and stress. It is recommended to make cucumber shakes mixed with apple or lemon to relieve fatigue.
• Since it is rich in fiber and high in water, it improves digestive health, helping to improve the pH of our stomach.
• Cucumbers contain potassium, a mineral that promotes heart health.