Export of Mexican Lemon

Second largest producer worldwide

Lemon Logistics


This fruit was first cultivated in Mexico during the 20th century in the region of Michoacán, expanding to the neighboring states.

The Mexican lemon has a great relevance worldwide, it is one of the fruits with the highest export rates, being Mexico the second largest producer in the world.

Of the harvested fruit, approximately 40% is destined for fresh consumption and 60% to industry, for the production of essential oils and concentrated juices.

Mexican lemons are characterized by their acidity, their abundance of oil and their size.

About of Lemon Logistics

Nutritional value

• The lemon strengthens the immune system thanks to the vitamin C it contains.

• It activates the metabolism of calcium which helps bones and teeth. ‍

• It helps eliminate toxins from the body and is a powerful bactericidal agent. ‍

• What makes the lemon unique is its ability to neutralize and eliminate toxins from our body. It is, therefore, a great solvent of toxic substances and magnificent depurative. Therefore, it is one of the most effective remedies to detoxify the liver and increase peristaltic movements of the intestines.

Nutritional value of Lemon Logistics
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