Export of Peruvian Asparagus
Second largest exporter in the world

The Peruvian asparagus is recognized worldwide, reaching 80 countries around the world.
The varieties can be green or white asparagus, this is due to the chlorophyll. Green asparagus grows in the sun, while white asparagus grows underground.
The characteristics of both varieties are that the asparagus is normally exported fresh and the white is canned. Some 68% of exports of this product belong to fresh asparagus.
Peru is positioned as the third country with the highest yield per hectare planted.

Stationary availability
Asparagus is available all year round
Geographical distribution

28.000 Ha planted
Asparagus cultivation is concentrated in the towns of Lambayaque, La Libertad, Ancash, Lima and Ica
Nutritional value
• Asparagus is ideal for incorporating into our healthy diets, as it is 90% water and has a minimum amount of calories.
• They have a large amount of vitamins, especially B1, B2, B6, C and E, and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.
• They have diuretic properties due to the high content of potassium, which favors the cleaning of the blood.
• They are ideal for taking care of the liver, since they contain phenols and flavonoids that stimulate the action of hepatic enzymes.
• They provide antioxidants that are important for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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