Export of Peruvian Frozen Blueberries
5% of the blueberries go into frozen

Frozen blueberries
5% of Peruvian blueberries are destined for frozen products. In order to maintain the cold chain in frozen blueberries, a careful process is needed where temperature is the protagonist.
There is a process prior to freezing that is very important, which is cooling and de-watering.
The most common challenges in freezing blueberries are aesthetics, performance and dehydration. This process is known as individual quick freezing (IQF).
Speed fans are used to perform this process, where it results in a surface freeze that does not damage the product.

Stationary availability
Frozen blueberries are available year round, but blueberries as a fresh fruit are available from August to March
Geographical distribution

10.936 Ha planted
Blueberry cultivation is concentrated in Cajamarca, La Libertad, Áncash, Lima, Ica and Arequipa.
Nutritional value
• High fiber content.
• It is a fruit very rich in antioxidants.
• It contains vitamins B and C.
• Rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium or calcium.
• Presence of malic acid and tartaric acid.
• It facilitates the digestion of foods rich in fat.
• Helps to care for teeth and gums.
• Important regulatory action of the intestine.
• Purifies the body as it is an antioxidant.

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