Export of Peruvian Ginger
Third exporter in the world
The ginger or also known as Kion, is a plant that has endless uses, as a medicinal or condiment in the cuisine of many countries.
In 2020, Peru positioned itself as the third world exporter of this tuber.
The Peruvian ginger has a commercial agreement with the United States and the European Union, which makes the product much more competitive in the market unlike other countries.
The quality of the ginger in Peruvian lands, is that the production and processing is done by hand.
Stationary availability
Peruvian ginger is available all year round
Geographical distribution
400+ Ha planted
Ginger cultivation is concentrated in the towns of Lorero, Junín and Tacna
Nutritional value
• Ginger contains gingerol, a substance that has medicinal properties. It helps digestion, reduces nausea and fights the common cold and flu.
• It helps to reduce muscle pain. It has no immediate effect but could be effective progressively.
• Reduces blood sugar levels, improving risk factors in cardiovascular diseases.
• Takes care of digestive health, treating chronic indigestion.
• Lowers cholesterol levels and helps prevent cancer.