Export of Peruvian Raisins
A market in process

The Peruvian raisin is a market in process and there is only one company dedicated to its production. This is due to the fact that almost all the grapes in Peru are destined for fresh fruit, Peru being the fourth largest exporter of grapes in the world.
Grapes that are dehydrated are known as discarded grapes, since they do not meet the requirements for export.
In order to achieve this drying process, the water content is reduced to the maximum, leaving the grapes in the sun, a process known as solar dehydration. In Peru, raisins are imported mainly from Chile, Argentina and the United States.

Stationary availability
The Peruvian raisin is available all year round
Geographical distribution

The production of Peruvian raisins is concentrated in the towns of Piura and Ica
Nutritional value
• It brings minerals to the bones. Raisins contain high levels of magnesium, calcium and other nutrients.
• For people over 50, eating them is a good way to prevent osteoporosis.
• They reduce the craving for food, preventing more calories and fat from being consumed than necessary.
• Raisins contain a substance called oleanolic acid, which helps take care of our teeth, avoiding breakage and cavities.
• It contains phytonutrients, which act directly on our sight.

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